Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Meet Reynard "Rey" Voss

The very earliest memories Reynard has are of the Orphanage. He never dignifies it with another title or even mentions where it is. In fact, he rarely speaks of it at all. No mention of parents or family were ever made during those years, and he doubts that 'Reynard' is even the name he was given at birth (if, in fact, he was given one at all). No one seemed to know where he came from, other than a sad story about being found in an abandoned building by a noble officer of the law. And, as far as he could tell, no one really cared. Neither, for that matter, does he.

Reynard was always a bright, likable young man who did his best to ingratiate himself to whomever was in charge. Adults found him to be a well mannered, helpful child. Bullies saw him as too boring to bother. Indeed, it seemed Reynard was always whatever he needed to be to get what he wanted. It didn't take him long to learn the rewards of manipulation and misdirection. Still, he always longed for something more than simply getting by.

So he left.

At the age of eleven, Reynard realized that the much-vaunted "real world" wasn't all it was cracked up to be. He had to work a lot harder to charm the jaded, worldly citizens of the big city than he expected, and soon found himself stranded in a small mid-western town. Fortune favored the boy, though, when a circus set up only a few days later. They were more than happy to take in a talented, sweet-natured, hard-working orphan off the streets.

Now this was living, he quickly decided. His natural dexterity, quick wit, and silver tongue made Reynard a fast favorite among the carnie folk, who found plenty of jobs to occupy him. He proved to be quite the daredevil. There wasn't much that the boy wasn't willing to try his deft hand at--usually successfully. He taught himself to drive a motorcycle when the adults refused to let him learn. Reynard figured out how to operate the various rides when they shooed him away. Indeed, it proved to be difficult to keep the child from puzzling out anything mechanical or motorized that he put his mind to.

Fortune smiled slyly on him again when he underwent his chrysalis at the age of thirteen. Several fae had attached themselves to the circus over the years and had begun quietly observing the boy over time. A soft-hearted Eshu fortuneteller and a voracious treat-vending Red Cap made sure no harm came to him, and introduced him to the faerie world. Let's say they weren't shocked to find that Reynard was a Pooka.

Over the years, Reynard developed a true affinity for all types of vehicles. He began taking part in the circus's stunt show as soon as he got a license to drive. His daredevil nature came out and made the kid a huge hit with paying customers, but it tended to concern everyone else. He seemed quite willing to try anything, no matter how dangerous. The fact that he nearly always succeeded was beside the point.

As far as Reynard was concerned, if a bunch of saps wanted to shell out cash to watch him perform a few easy stunts, all the better. It was a great con to make something simple look too hard for other folks so they'd pay YOU to do it. His part in the show was quickly expanded by the management and became so popular that the stunt show soon was the biggest draw, easily supporting the rest of the circus. "Daredevil Rey" can drive, fly, or sail anything!

Everyone will tell you what kind of guy Reynard Voss is, but you'd be hard-pressed to find more than a few who'll agree on what kind of guy that is. His chameleon affinity suits him just fine. He'll rarely lie outright, preferring to deflect or misdirect instead. He makes friends easily, getting people to tell him all about themselves while mentioning nothing of himself. He hasn't a care for how many toes he treads on or how many backs he puts a knife in, as long as he gets what he wants and can aim the pointing fingers in someone else's direction. The only thing everyone can agree on about "Daredevil Rey" is that he has a voracious sweet tooth and always has candy on hand. He also tends to refer to people in endearments relating to sweets. Despite his roguish nature, though, Reynard does follow a strange sort of code of honor.

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