Sonya Berzin was born to Kinfolk parents in Belarus, which was at the time part of the Soviet Union. The family emigrated to the US when they were given the chance...on conditions set by Sonya's great-grandfather, Sergei Burning-Heart. He's their nearest Garou relative, an old and stern Shadow Lord serving at a Russian sept. Insisting that some of his Kin must remain in their homeland, he required that the two eldest children, Nikolai and Raisa, stay with their grandparents in Russia in order that the rest might leave.
Not having had a particularly stressful childhood, Sonya's First Change happened a touch late, during her pursuit of a law degree. Given the family history and breeding, she had little choice among Tribes, but that was all right: the Shadow Lords suited her just fine. The Lords encouraged her to finish her degree, though it took a bit of finessing, after which they pulled a few strings to snag her an enviable job, which of course just so happened to suit their needs.
She now serves as a narcotics agent for Interpol. Her work puts her in an excellent position to act as a go-between for human authorities and the Garou Nation, ferreting out corrupted supernaturals for the Garou to deal with and passing tips to Interpol regarding Wyrm-tainted human initiatives.
Sonya's demeanor is cold, efficient, and predatory. "Cast-iron bitch" are words that might come to mind on first impression. Those who're more familiar simply find her businesslike. The two tenets of the Shadow Lords serve her as well in her human career as her Garou life: use any means necessary to do your job, and clean up your messes. Such ruthlessness has seldom been required of her so far, but she keeps the creed in mind.
Sonya is estranged from her family. Her father has refused to deal with her since she Changed. He is a strict Russian Orthodox, but Sonya suspects it's because he had a difficult childhood under his grandfather. Her mother is more understanding, but they don't get to see each other very often. She has three other siblings: an older brother named Maxim and two younger twin sisters, Grusha and Gala.
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