Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Meet Amantalan "RF" Runningwater, M.D.

Amantalan is little more than a fancy Incan way to say 'rain forest,' hence the nickname, "RF." RF was found, just a pup, by Uktena kinfolk who search the rain forest for lost family. His first memory is of Jamie and Justin Runningwater petting him in the back seat of a car going home to a reservation in Nevada.

As a pup, he was well behaved and happy. The local doctor would borrow him to brighten the days of the sick on the Reservation. After his first change, his kinfolk introduced him to the world and he noticed a gift for healing. Seeing the health of his tribe and kin decline, he buckled down and studied to become a general practice physician.

RF has no recollection of his life before he was found. He often dreams about huddling in Incan ruins while gigantic lizards roam the rain forests.

He loves his family and sends his kinfolk siblings letters and emails.

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